
Carolina Herrera

I have always admired Carolina Herrera, and gave it a shot to email the press department to intern during fashion week during Sept. 08. During the interview I was told my email was routed from Spain! So I anxiously waited 2 weeks longer than needed. Needless to say, it was worth it.The showroom is beautiful, I felt like I was in a home. Carpeting, hard wood floors, sofas, and even a housekeeper for Mrs. Herrera, ...it was unbelievable!
During my time interning in the PR department, I went through countless amounts of magazines, tabbing credits and ads of not only Carolina Herrera, but our competitors as well. I would also of course send garments out, and check them back in. I was so upset I missed Renee Zellweger come in for a fitting!...As well as Mrs. Bush! Rarely I had to sit in for the receptionist, which was more nerve-racking then you would think! One time I was trying to answer and transfer multiple lines and Mrs. Herrera came in and said "Hello," ...and I looked up as she was walking away! yikes.
I went home for a brief time, then came back for Fashion Week. Fellow interns and I addressed envelopes, then split them up according to the East/West side of the city and took two cars to deliver them to respected hotels the night before the show! I was literally in the car for probably ten hours. Some of the hotels were incredible, so I cant complain!
At the tent, I put up the seating chart and made sure guests could find their seats quickly, then it was show time! Magnificent. Right after the show it was back to the office, to watch the video on the tv with the rest of the employees, including Mrs. Herrera! Felt like a big, happy and RELIEVED family! haha.

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